Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Optus Training Experience

In my previous blog, I've mentioned that I transferred accounts from Time Warner Cable, and now I'm with Optus, an Australian account. 

At first, I must say that I'm a bit scared because the training would be a whole new experience. It's new because, first new set of learning's, second, new accent and lastly, new tools to learn. I had to make adjustments at the start of training because I need to unlearn most of the things that I know with my previous account. Good thing, I already have technical background with troubleshooting Internet connection issues, so the adjustment went smoothly.

Our trainer was funny yet knowledgeable, I must say. He always insert jokes and lines when he discuss our modules but he makes sure that everyone learns the processes.

The new set of wave mates I have were cool and very outgoing.I became close to them as soon possible. The class has different antics like if one wave mate is sleeping then he or she would get a photo taken and that photo will be uploaded in Facebook. Every Friday after shift, we always go out to unwind, either have lunch or drinking sessions... I would definitely miss this guys

Right now, our wave is at the last toll gate of our training and that is fish bowling. Just like nesting, we are given the chance to take in calls to apply all the things what we've learned.

Over-all, my training experience was wonderful and if given the chance, I would love to have training again! =)

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